Kitchener Waterloo Masters Slo-pitch League

Apr 24 2022

2022 Commissioner's Letter

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Hello everyone connected to KW Masters Slo-pitch.

I want to welcome you all to the 2022 season, one full of hope and rebuilding of a league that remained strong throughout the past 2 seasons. The pandemic certainly halted what we know as a "regular" season but it did not dampen the spirit this league holds with our very dedicated membership. I really need to thank your executive for keeping this league alive and well and giving those who chose to  play without judgement an opportunity to do so with restrictions in keeping with our local health guidelines.  Rest assure this executive has not rested and continues to meet to ensure when and where we can a regular season. If you are reading this message you have received your 2022 player application and I would be amiss not to thank Ron Sadler for  the countless hours he has put in the last 2 seasons to keep registration organized and up to date with fees to ensure your fees were fair to you and our league. Please read the application carefully noting dates and fees structures and return to Ron or process on line asap so we can determine team numbers to better determine diamonds and schedules. Because of Covid there will be different fees based on what you have paid so please connect with your captain who will have a master list of fees. Your fees will be for league fees only and every player registered with KWMSPL must register with SPO and pay directly to SPO a $15 plus HST players insurance. This fee must be paid before you will be eligible to play. The league will be strict this year to ensure you are properly insured to play in this league. Thank you all in advance for doing this, non compliance takes up hours of time to follow up so your co-operation and diligence is so much appreciated. If you need any assistance setting up your insurance Paul DelNet is our SPO contact and he would be most happy to assist you, or contact any executive member or myself.     ·


2022 will be my last season as your Commissioner,  at the end of this season Mike Van Dam will step into this position. I thank Mike for stepping up, I know under Mikes leadership this league will continue to grow and just get better.  I also want to thank all executive members and Captains of KWMSPL for your ongoing support leading this league. Without this dedicated group of people this league could not function or exist. Your executive works year round to ensure the league runs smoothly and your Captains organize and run your teams and put countless hours into your teams to ensure a great sic-pitch experience. Anything you can do to assist this league or your team will be greatly appreciated.   We are looking for members to sit on a rules committee and also need to fill an executive position of Director of Communications with Mike moving to league commissioner next season. Please contact me for any information regarding these positions.


Dates to mark down. Spring Training ( YEAH!!!) at Edelweiss. Wednesday April 27. League start week of May 2 and Final playoff weekend Sat September 17 hopefully at Hallman and year end awards and wrap up at Edelweiss. Locations tentative but dates are firm


Thank you everyone. Let's make 2022 the best season ever. Let's welcome back all players with open arms and the camaraderie we have enjoyed for many many years. I look forward to seeing you all at spring training. Any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact your captain or any executive member or myself.


Rick Weinstein KWMSPL Commissioner

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